Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Abby Update

Hello all: Abby hardly slows down for a moment before she's on to the next activity. She really likes Tuesdays and Fridays when I take her to the local school districts' Early Childhood Family Education classes. She gets to play with about 10-15 other kids her age and learn social skills right next to her peers.

This moring and afternoon we played on the deck with the "boys" (dogs) because with the temps in the 60's all the snow is melting and revealing lots of mud, dog poop, and generally soggy grass. No sane person would dare step foot upon that inhospitable ground. We also observed a fairly large Box Elder Bug in the kitchen and released it to the outside world to spend the rest of its life sunning itself on the west side of any dwelling. Apparently, these creatures seek shelter in the winter and get into the house and get lost. When the west side of the house begins to get some strong sunshine, they find their way out of the cracks and crevices to sun themselves. Abby thought the bug was really cool and I like the fact that they move very slowly and don't scurry. Below I will attach a fuzzy picture of our encounter but it'll get the point across. Also, we'll include a picture of Abby and Tara, who both had their hair done this week.

More another time. Hal

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