Monday, February 19, 2007

A Phrase is worth a thousand laughs

Lately, Abby has really been picking up on phrases she hears people say. Over the past weekend, it was not uncommmon to hear, "Check it out" or "Oh my gosh". On paper it doesn't look like much, but when you're a witness to it and hear how she anunciates it you can't help but laugh.

While sitting in her booster seat at the kitchen table, she'll sometimes turn around and look at the mirror behind her and tell herself off, pointing, frowning, and uttering some sort of chipmunk language we have yet to master.

I've also noticed her interest in operating the dvd player, patching the a/v cable in the front tv input, and assembling and disassembling a napkin holder made with four dowels and some wood planks. She often prefers to do things for herself and gets upset if you don't allow her to be independent.

She is such a character. More to come. Hal

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